Optimal approach in Reusing widgets and widget functions.

In my level, I need to spawn multiple information screens. And each time after showing the ui, it has to do something different each time.
Currently I am duplicating the widget blueprint and calling separate functions from each of these widgets. I have to spawn a lot of these screens and duplicating seems to be a bad idea.

But if I have to use a single widget where text is assigned on runtime, how can I make it do different things each time it’s called from a 'menu spanner blueprint? If I add an interface and call the function on menu spawner itself, how can I differentiate each calls?

Call 1.
Assign text & print.
Change value A in game mode.

Call 2
Assign text b and print
Change value B in game mode.
Change level.

Stupid ideas.
Increment an integer each time the function is called in ’ menu spawner’ and use a switch?
But what if I have to do it 100s of times?

What is the best approach?

You can reuse your widget, when creating your widget, store it in a variable(to prevent garbage collection).

Then create a structure with 2 integer: Call_ID, Value_ID
Create a data table with it.

From your widget you want to keep track of the call id, then loop through the data tables to get the value id and apply it to your text.