When typing math operation in editor, the precedence of operations is wrong. Either it’s from right to left, or the multiplication have bigger priority than division.
If I type 10 / 2 * 2 It should be: 10 / 2 * 2 5 * 2 = 10, but editor says it;s 2.5
The order being from left to right means that the first operation form left, which is / should be computed first. I attach C++ code from Visual Studio 201.
It’s not correct. I’ve just come to post the same issue and found this thread. I was getting weird results as I hadn’t expanded my fields wide enough to notice the result was wrong. It’s not a c++ concern, it’s pure maths.
It is easy to get around - with parentheses as you say or just manually catering for UE4 doing it incorrectly, or just using any other calculator - but it tricks up people who know operator precedence and associativity well and don’t think twice about it being interpreted incorrectly.