@shellcode Thanks for the comment! Yes this would be perfect for creating a hacking game or as a super cool easter egg in a game.
v2.0 [WIP] Theme changer Preview!
Will you add themes and templates for sci-fi games too? Futuristic looking UI … for example like this one: https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/11/edex-ui-fully-functioning-sci-fi.html
Currently we don’t have any plans of now to make a sci-fi theme however everything is customizable since everything is made in UMG.
v2.0 [WIP] Clock App Preview synchronized to your local time + real-time thumbnail (icon) update!
v2.0 [WIP] Desktop Peek Preview!
v2.0 Operating System Simulator Preview!
**Version 2.0 Released!
**NEW **Desktop Peek
**NEW **Thumbnail rendering system
**NEW **Category in Content Browser
**NEW **System themes. Includes light and dark theme.
**NEW **Hardware classes
**NEW **Taskbar and Start Menu
**NEW **System Settings
**NEW **Welcome screen
**NEW **Installation screen
**NEW **Rotating loading bar
**NEW **Base class for almost all Operating System widgets
**NEW **User can now set root command in Blueprints
**NEW **Terminal command Programs
**NEW **StartOperatingSystem function
**NEW **Directory type
**NEW **System directory settings
**NEW **Improved storage related functions
**NEW **Unified Icon widget
**NEW **Save game versioning system
**NEW **Widget classes. UYetiOS_IconWidget, UYetiOS_FileWidget, UYetiOS_FileIconWidget, UYetiOS_FileBase
**NEW **Yeti Global category for all static functions
**NEW **Delegate when a new program is installed
**NEW **New version system instead of old FText.
**NEW **Calculator
**NEW **Calendar
**NEW **Clock
**NEW **Image Viewer
**NEW **Notepad
**NEW **System Settings
**NEW **Video Player
**BLUEPRINT **New IsProgramInstalled
**BLUEPRINT **New GetAllProgramsFromRepositoryLibrary
**BLUEPRINT **New GetInstalledPrograms
**BLUEPRINT **New IsRunning
**FIXED **Unable to browse ip-address link in web browser
**FIXED **Incorrect text size for terminal sub widgets
**FIXED **Incorrect call to load save data in device
**FIXED **Incorrect category names
**FIXED **Incorrect process ID for new programs
**FIXED **StartProgram now returns properly if an instance is already running.
**REMOVED **static const ROOT_COMMAND
**REMOVED **Durability checks
**REMOVED **Device score
**REMOVED **Internal_DeviceCanBoot
**REMOVED **Internal_GetFiles
**REMOVED **DEVICESTART_PartialSuccess enum value
**REMOVED **All PURE_VIRTUAL methods from device.
**REMOVED *Old FYetiOS structs
**REMOVED **LoadOS and StartOperatingSystemInstallation
**REMOVED **Operating system loading in device. It is now a dedicated function in OS itself.
**REMOVED **BP_Dir_Boot
Number of Blueprint Classes: 66
Number of Widget Blueprints: 55
Number of C++ Classes: 52
Update 2.0.1! Changelog]
**NEW **BP_DefaultFile asset
**NEW **SetAssociatedProgramClass for file.
**MISC **Change welcome screen textDONE
**MISC **Change double click timeDONE
**MISC **Remove Hint Text in NotepadDONE
**MISC **Improve rename file method
**BLUEPRINT **BringWindowToFront now exposed to Blueprint.
**FIXED **Clicking inside a program not focusingDONE
**FIXED **Crash when running multiple commandsDONE
**FIXED **Unable to create file if no program foundDONE
FIXED Incorrect calendar size
REMOVED WBP_FileItem asset
**2.0.2 Updated! **
NEW Music Player
**MISC **All programs are now installed by default
**MISC **Changed file and folder font size from 12 to 11
v2.0.4 Lock Files and Directories Preview!
File or directory can be locked/unlocked to a specific user using lock and unlock terminal command. Trying to open a locked file by default will show access denied toast notification, this can be expanded to have custom functionality.
Can you please show or explain how to make a continues command that relies on the previous command in easy terms using custom commands in (CLI-Command Prompts)?
Like writing: What’s your age?, then it waits for another input to insert age number, THEN it shows the result.
meaning 2 or 3 steps before the actual result to come up,
and how can you make the result appears slowly one at a time, i don’t want everything to appear all at once in blink of second right after you hit Enter, especially with long/lengthy results, i want the results to come up gradually.
thank you.
Sorry for the late reply, we were not notified when you had posted.
Have you seen this tutorial we had made on how to create your own custom commands? Its also shows time consuming commands.
Great plugin! But wondering if we can expect a version for 5.0 soon?