Doom playable in YetiOS plugin via web browser.
Web Browser preview
Preview #1
Preview #2
Jump start tutorial for creating your own OS using default assets:
Placeable and interactable device Tutorial:
This Demo shows the possibility of playing a game in the Operating System And Terminal Simulator Plugin in Unreal Engine 4 using 100% Blueprints.
Operating system and terminal simulator plugin, includes some of the common Linux commands. The system is fully modular and developers can create their own commands as well as programs in blueprints or c++ to simulate a fully working operating system environment. Out of the box Blueprint supported.
Devices have modular hardware components of CPU, RAM, HDD, Motherboard, GPU which you can customize the speed, size etc. that effects your device.
Terminal supports executing multiple commands and each command can have alternative commands, flags and parameters.
This plugin is in beta version, follow this thread for the latest changes.
- Operating System
- Hardware classes
- Multiple Devices
- Load your custom images at runtime as wallpaper and icons
- System boot and installation simulation
- Blue screen of Death
- Save/Load OS, directories, files etc.
- Create custom programs
- Each program can have its own settings
- Taskbar and start menu
- Portable devices
- Battery
- Multiple terminal commands
- Alternative terminal commands
- Create custom terminal commands
- Execute multiple commands eg. mkdir tmp && cd tmp
- Terminal command flags
- Terminal command parameters
- Command history navigate up and down keys
- Terminal Commands Included with plugin as examples
- Login reset password functions
- Forgot password widget
- Desktop Peek
- Thumbnail Rendering system and added new category in Content Browser
- System themes. Includes light and dark
- Welcome Screen
- System Directory Settings
- Save game versioning system
- Yeti Global category for all static functions
- Delegate when a new program is installed
- User can set root command in Blueprints
- Revamped version system
- Terminal
- Simulated File Explorer
- Calculator
- Calendar
- Clock
- Image Viewer
- Notepad
- System Settings
- Video Player
- Music Player
Web Browser:
- Multi Tabs Browsing
- Back and Forward Navigation
- Web History
- Home Page
- Reload
- Browse only https pages (optional)
- White Listing web pages. Visiting non white listed pages can display your own custom error image.
- Our own implementation of custom web browser object that supports events for documentation load start, load completed and load error (exposed to Blueprints).
- Each tab is a separate widget that tracks its own history.
- Browser address bar
- Create your own custom internal browser URLs. (similar to chrome://chrome-urls)
- Mask real web URLs with your own custom URLs in game.
- Draggable window
- supports custom html files
- Set and delete cookies
- Delete bowser cache
- Override URL
- cd - change directory
- ls - list all files in current directory
- clear -clears terminal history
- pwd -shows current directory path
- date - shows current system date
- exit - exist the game
- mkdir - create folder
- update - command to show time consuming jobs
- help - help command (shows information about the command)
- shutdown - device shutdown
- adduser - adds user using sudo
- apt get - installs program
- pid - show running processes
- open - open program
- close - close program
- touch - make file
- sudo - run command as superuser
- programs - lists all programs installed and installable programs from repository
- lock - Lock/unlock user files/directories
Code Modules:
- YetiOS [Runtime]
Web browser is also available as a separate plugin, see
Important/Additional Notes: This plugin is heavily dependent on timers and delays so make sure to disable Use Less CPU when in Background under General -> Performance category from Editor Preferences.
**Note. Our Web Browser plugin is dependent on the default Unreal Engine Web Browser Widget (PC: Chromium 59, Mobile: WebKit) which is currently experimental. If there is a specific function that is not working in the default Web Browser Widget from Unreal Engine then it will not work in our Web Browser Plugin however you are free to recompile Chromium.
v2.0 **Operating System Simulator **Preview!
v2.0 File Explorer with Light and Dark theme. File Explorer now includes Breadcrumb navigation.
v2.0 Image Viewer. You can now have image thumbnails in File Explorer!
v2.0 Calculator with support for evaluating expressions (using BODMAS rule) instead of simple math.
v2.0 Video Player Preview!
v2.0 Calendar App Preview!
v2.0 Message Box (modal supported) Preview!
v2.0 Theme changer Preview!
v2.0 Clock App Preview synchronized to your local time & real-time thumbnail (icon) update!
v2.0 Desktop Peek Preview!
v2.0.2 Music Player Preview!
v2.0.4 Lock Files and Directories Preview!
File or directory can be locked/unlocked to a specific user using lock and unlock terminal command. Trying to open a locked file by default will show access denied toast notification, this can be expanded to have custom functionality.
PURCHASE](Operating System Simulator Plugin in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace)