I created a working floating camera in a box. I wanted to port this over to quest 2. I have got it to display on the quest, but the spawn is wrong.
Normal spawn:
VR Spawn:
It spawns me far off (im assuming world origin) and locks me in place. I cannot move at all with the normal system i used for moving. I read that you needed a NavMeshBoundsVolume to allow teleporting. This isnt what i want at all, but i added it anyways, and still nothing. I turned off ALL collisions except for the floor itself. The player start is in sky, and pawn/play start spawn collisions are set to ALWAYS.
I know the input from the joystick is being read because its displaying the position I SHOULD BE GOING to on the screen with Old position and New Position. I even turned on Teleport on set actor location just to get any difference.
This is the movement BP
No. I will not be converting my pawn into a character. I wanted a floating camera, not a physics humanoid. And yes, i already tried movement input. it doesnt work on VR OR normal play