OpenXR Pawn ignores Player Start and doesnt allow teleportation

I created a working floating camera in a box. I wanted to port this over to quest 2. I have got it to display on the quest, but the spawn is wrong.
Normal spawn:

VR Spawn:

It spawns me far off (im assuming world origin) and locks me in place. I cannot move at all with the normal system i used for moving. I read that you needed a NavMeshBoundsVolume to allow teleporting. This isnt what i want at all, but i added it anyways, and still nothing. I turned off ALL collisions except for the floor itself. The player start is in sky, and pawn/play start spawn collisions are set to ALWAYS.

I know the input from the joystick is being read because its displaying the position I SHOULD BE GOING to on the screen with Old position and New Position. I even turned on Teleport on set actor location just to get any difference.

This is the movement BP

No. I will not be converting my pawn into a character. I wanted a floating camera, not a physics humanoid. And yes, i already tried movement input. it doesnt work on VR OR normal play

Hello. Have you found a solution? I’m in a similar position, I’ve upgraded my project from 4.26 to 4.27 and added openXR manually. I can snap-rotate but cannot teleport. A vanilla 4.27 openXR works fine, but rebuilding my project from scratch around it is not an option :slight_smile:

havent found any solution. gave up working with vr because of it. let me know if you find anything

No, sorry :neutral_face:
I’m looking for a neat way to move my 4.26 content to 4.27 project.

I think I found the solution: Its because its a pawn.

Changing the parent CPP class to Character and adding the Character Movement Comp seems to work well with VR but not the Floating Pawn Movement Comp. To make your character no-clip as if it WAS a floating pawn, simply set Movement Mode to Flying.