Opening blueprint first time is hidden

This happens 1/4 of the times you first start UE.

When you open a blueprint it “Opens” it but it doesn’t show it, it’s kinda hidden somewhere.

I try to hover my mouse over UE and then the hidden blueprint and right clicking to press maximise. But that menu hides after 0.2 seconds so I can’t click it. Or if it looks like I did then it doesn’t do anything.

Seeing as its not tabbed in the window its either an editor bug but since its not crashing…

Edit → Editor Preferences → Uncheck “Open whatever in new windows”.

If that doesnt fix it, reinstall the editor. If that doesnt you have a windows problem and some people have to revert to reinstlling windows to fix problems like that.

Hope this helps
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Hi Dannyk90,

This doesn’t happen internally for me and I haven’t seen any other reports of it. It’s likely confined to your system. If the above suggestion doesn’t work, could you post your Dxdiag (system specs)?

okay thanks ill try that