Opening a door doesn't work

I made a door open by box trigger but when I try to walk through it it’s like the door is closed but I can walk through the actual door mesh. I made this like seen in a tutorial.
I hope it’s enough information to help me. I guess the door rotates to open but its collision mesh doesn’t.

Open the editor select the door mesh . Double click on it . Change the Collision complexity from default to “Use Complex Collision As Simple” and Collision Preset to “BlockAll”.
This will work as I too had once encountered with a problem like this and this is the solution .
Here is an image of what you have to do :

Thank you!!!

Well said man .It works .Thanks Gupta

Well Why don’t you accept the answer . I only got to know about it from notifictions I get . If I had not followed I would never have had known the answer without the question popping up in the recommended section.Please do so and it will benifit other users too.

You’re Welcome xjuleyx93