Hello. I’m trying to capture a image from webcam and use it on a plane runtime. The idea that I have is to use OpenCV to capture it and now I’m trying to convert cv::Mat to Texture2D, to use it with a material. For some reason, nonetheless, in the process I’m losing half of the image. Any idea why?
Here is a example of the issue:
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#include "FaceDetector.h"
#include "Engine/Texture.h"
#include "ImageUtils.h"
// Sets default values
// Set this actor to call Tick() every frame. You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it.
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
// Called when the game starts or when spawned
void AFaceDetector::BeginPlay()
// Start Video..1) 0 for WebCam 2) "Path to Video" for a Local Video
if (Vcapture.isOpened())
// Change path before execution
if (cascade.load("C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UnrealProjects/CreazyHead/ThirdParty/OpenCV/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalcatface.xml"))
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Yellow, TEXT("DB Faces loaded!"));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("DB Faces loaded!"));
FTimerHandle UnusedTimer;
GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(UnusedTimer, this, &AFaceDetector::DetectAndDraw, 0.05f, true, 1.f);
// Called every frame
void AFaceDetector::Tick(float DeltaTime)
void AFaceDetector::DetectAndDraw()
// Capture frames from video and detect faces
Vcapture >> frame;
AuxFaceDetector face_detector;
std::vector<cv::Rect> CurrentRectangles = face_detector.detect_face_rectangles(frame);
cv::Scalar color(0, 105, 205);
int frame_thickness = 4;
for (const auto& r : CurrentRectangles)
cv::rectangle(frame, r, color, frame_thickness);
AuxFaceDetector::AuxFaceDetector() : confidence_threshold_(0.5), input_image_height_(300), input_image_width_(300),
scale_factor_(1.0), mean_values_({ 104., 177.0, 123.0 })
network_ = cv::dnn::readNetFromCaffe("C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UnrealProjects/CreazyHead/ThirdParty/OpenCV/Includes/opencvAssets/deploy.prototxt", "C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UnrealProjects/CreazyHead/ThirdParty/OpenCV/Includes/opencvAssets/res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000_fp16.caffemodel");
if (network_.empty())
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "Failed to load network with the following settings:\n"
<< "Configuration: " + std::string("C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UnrealProjects/CreazyHead/ThirdParty/OpenCV/Includes/opencvAssets/deploy.prototxt") + "\n"
<< "Binary: " + std::string("C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UnrealProjects/CreazyHead/ThirdParty/OpenCV/Includes/opencvAssets/res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000_fp16.caffemodel") + "\n";
throw std::invalid_argument(ss.str());
std::vector<cv::Rect> AuxFaceDetector::detect_face_rectangles(const cv::Mat& frame)
cv::Mat input_blob = cv::dnn::blobFromImage(frame, scale_factor_, cv::Size(input_image_width_, input_image_height_),
mean_values_, false, false);
network_.setInput(input_blob, "data");
cv::Mat detection = network_.forward("detection_out");
cv::Mat detection_matrix(detection.size[2], detection.size[3], CV_32F, detection.ptr<float>());
std::vector<cv::Rect> faces;
for (int i = 0; i < detection_matrix.rows; i++)
float confidence = detection_matrix.at<float>(i, 2);
if (confidence < confidence_threshold_) {
int x_left_bottom = static_cast<int>(detection_matrix.at<float>(i, 3) * frame.cols);
int y_left_bottom = static_cast<int>(detection_matrix.at<float>(i, 4) * frame.rows);
int x_right_top = static_cast<int>(detection_matrix.at<float>(i, 5) * frame.cols);
int y_right_top = static_cast<int>(detection_matrix.at<float>(i, 6) * frame.rows);
faces.emplace_back(x_left_bottom, y_left_bottom, (x_right_top - x_left_bottom), (y_right_top - y_left_bottom));
return faces;
void AFaceDetector::ConvertMatToOpenCV()
cv::Mat resized;
cv::resize(frame, resized, cv::Size(frame.cols/3, frame.rows/3));
cv::imshow("img", resized);
const int32 SrcWidth = resized.cols;
const int32 SrcHeight = resized.rows;
const bool UseAlpha = false;
// Create the texture
FrameAsTexture = UTexture2D::CreateTransient(
// Getting SrcData
uint8_t* pixelPtr = (uint8_t*)resized.data;
const int NumberOfChannels = resized.channels();
TArray<FColor*> ImageColor;
for (int i = 0; i < SrcHeight; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < SrcWidth; j++)
// Getting pixel rgb values
uint8 ImageR = pixelPtr[i * SrcWidth * NumberOfChannels + j * NumberOfChannels + 2]; // R
uint8 ImageG = pixelPtr[i * SrcWidth * NumberOfChannels + j * NumberOfChannels + 1]; // G
uint8 ImageB = pixelPtr[i * SrcWidth * NumberOfChannels + j * NumberOfChannels + 0]; // B
// Storing RGB values
ImageColor.Add(new FColor(ImageR, ImageG, ImageB, 1));
// Lock the texture so it can be modified
uint8* MipData = static_cast<uint8*>(FrameAsTexture->PlatformData->Mips[0].BulkData.Lock(LOCK_READ_WRITE));
// Create base mip.
uint8* DestPtr = NULL;
const FColor* SrcPtr = NULL;
for (int32 y = 1; y <= SrcHeight; y++)
int CurrentIndex = (SrcHeight - y) * (SrcWidth);
DestPtr = &MipData[CurrentIndex * sizeof(FColor)];
SrcPtr = const_cast<FColor*>(ImageColor[CurrentIndex]);
for (int32 x = 0; x < ImageColor.Num()/ SrcHeight; x++)
*DestPtr++ = SrcPtr->B;
*DestPtr++ = SrcPtr->G;
*DestPtr++ = SrcPtr->R;
*DestPtr++ = (UseAlpha ? SrcPtr->A : 0xFF);
// Unlock the texture
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "opencv2/objdetect.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/dnn/dnn.hpp"
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include "FaceDetector.generated.h"
class UTexture2D;
class CRAZY_HEAD_DANCE_API AFaceDetector : public AActor
// VideoCapture class for playing video for which faces to be detected
cv::VideoCapture Vcapture;
cv::Mat frame;
// PreDefined trained XML classifiers with facial features
cv::CascadeClassifier cascade;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
UTexture2D* FrameAsTexture;
void DetectAndDraw();
void ConvertMatToOpenCV();
// Called when the game starts or when spawned
virtual void BeginPlay() override;
// Sets default values for this actor's properties
// Called every frame
virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override;
class AuxFaceDetector
explicit AuxFaceDetector();
/// Detect faces in an image frame
/// \param frame Image to detect faces in
/// \return Vector of detected faces
std::vector<cv::Rect> detect_face_rectangles(const cv::Mat& frame);
/// Face detection network
cv::dnn::Net network_;
/// Input image width
const int input_image_width_;
/// Input image height
const int input_image_height_;
/// Scale factor when creating image blob
const double scale_factor_;
/// Mean normalization values network was trained with
const cv::Scalar mean_values_;
/// Face detection confidence threshold
const float confidence_threshold_;