Open world test game.... thoughts?

Ok this isnt a game yet, its a simple test of some mechanics in a low poly landscape.

Mainly the rain and sound effects being tested. Any thoughts on them?
Trying to use ambient sound for inside the vehicle and out, and the collision of rain on vehicles and hard surfaces (The Shed) but not the landscape.

It may lead somewhere, it may not. Its been only 10 days with playing about and testing (Part time).

Yes the car is a city sample car! it just for testing and reference.

Any thoughts be welcome!

(Not optimised in anyway fully, settings are EPIC, frame rate hit by around 15fps because of OBS running)


I mean, it sounds more than OK on its own but… it’s impossible to judge whether it’s going to work without having other sound effects adding to the overall vibe.

Hum of the engine, car radio on low, distant thunder, gritty gravel sounds, an occasional reptile squished under a tire…

this isnt a game yet

But you know where this could go, right? Are you leaning towards:

My car & I are zombie apocalypse survivors and are having off-road adventures. kind of a thing or…

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Thanks @Everynone

Yeah the sounds thing may be tricky but getting the right balance is key. The engine im working on right now. The road noise too. But obviousley those sounds will be off when exiting so gives me a little more scope for the on foot sounds.

Interesting thought on the zombie apocalypse thing, its been done maybe too much. But The Day Before proves theres an opening still even with all the saga :rofl:

But i have to work out optimising alot of stuff. Lumen takes a nice chunk out the frames, so does foliage. Textures i can optimise to some extent. But as thats Epic quality i have room for manoeuvre.

I will spawn a bunch of ai in and see how it handles it. Maybe not the 300 i did last week in a test but maybe 50 or so :smirk:

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Ok plays ok with around 25 zombies in a small area, no noticeable drop in frames that can be attributed to them. They only have 3 states , thinking (kinda just standing around) random walk to and then follow player until lose sight then they go to the last known location. Havent added any attack animations or anything. kinda funky looking dudes are only for reference. seems they get messes up with the standard skel. (those arms are just wonky!)

I really need to add some ragdoll to these and have fun in the car :smirk:

See, everybody asks where is the Zombie but no one cares about how is the Zombie… What if we, the protagonist, are the The Last of Zombus and them Brainiacs with their detectable pulses, and their rosy cheeks and tax paying abilities are the baddies.

Geez, it’s clearly past my bedtime.

But it all seriousness, it’s rather uncanny how much life (ehm) some messed up shambling corpses add to an otherwise dead scene…

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Guess you was needing some sleep, but… i did like the idea of you being the zombie, like goat simulator but zombie simulator :rofl: maybe not for this project tho.