open world project - World Partition System

I’m working on an open world project, it’s a bit more complicated world since it’s a city.

I just don’t understand the World Partition System correctly, static meshes constantly disappear from the map. I then have to load a larger section of the map so that they are displayed again sometimes this does not even work anymore.

Does anyone know how to stop this?

World partition is unloading your landscape/meshes when they are outside of the configured loading range. There is some documentation and YouTube videos on how to configure that.

You can build HLODs which are placeholder meshes that will be rendered as a replacement for the unloaded objects.

How the system should work fundamentally is already clear to me. But somehow something is wrong.

From an existing Sequens, which is designed so far ready and is opened with World Partition selection tool, disappear over a certain time “random” SMs or even BPs which should be partially in the middle of the loaded ten. And are then not displayed in the packed game at their position.

this is the problem.

For example, I have drinks vending machines that stand at a place XY and at one time they are no longer displayed at this place. I delete the vending machines at this place and put them back in the same place then they stand for a while and at some point the vending machines disappear again. And are no longer loaded. This is also the case with other objects.