I feel like I’ve finally made enough progress to begin to share my work with you all. This is my first game creation using Unreal4, and I have really enjoyed learning from such an awesome community. Thanks for all you guys to to make this possible for us wanna-be game developers. This really is a dream come true for me to have even gotten this far.
Looking good! The animations look fluid for the most part. I also really like the HUD design. Some parts of the landscape look stretched out, especially the mountains, but that can be fixed. Overall, this project looks great for an alpha! Keep going!
I personally dislike the HUD and UI. But that might be because I’m a UI designer myself. But other than that really good work! Is this a solo developer project?
Yes, it’s just me. I’ve made some huge progress since this video if anyone cares to check it out. I’ll keep this updated with my weekly progress. Thanks for checking it out!
The UI looks a lot more clean now! Good job!
Set to release May 1st on to Steam early access.
Don’t make the mistake of going in early access too soon! Your game will be dead before you know it. I’ve been there with Forests of Augusta! You need to polish up the game a lot is what I think. Try to get volunteers to work for royalty to polish the game in the areas you’re not an expert in yourself.
If you want, give me a playable version of the game and I’ll give you feedback on bugs and what needs to be improved and what would be the right pricing.
With Forests of Augusta, there was not enough content on early access release, not enough complex game design systems either to satisfy the players. I got a good view now what a game needs to satisfy the players. If you fail to deliver some things in early access it will harm your sales when the game fully releases, your game will be dead and buried before you reach full release.
Having a game with too few content or too many bugs or lacking complex game design systems will result in bad reviews, resulting in not many people buying the game. When sales numbers in early access are low, people will only look at the early access bad reviews and low number of reviews, which won’t make them buy the full game.
I think your game is looking good and has potential, but probably needs more polish and more content.
Hit me up if you want me to playtest the game and give you good feedback! the last video is a few months old so maybe you have come a long way since.