Open World Game - Utilizing the Landscape Demo

[FONT=Arial Black]UPDATE 1 :[FONT=Arial Narrow] Posted a playable link. See below

Hi Guys,

I have been creating a sample demo level for my MS Portfolio for the last few days , and I utilized the landscape demo for this. This is going to be third person open world RPG, and I am planning to add lots of cool stuff within it, which I will post one by one once done. For now it is just beginning and constructing the interior currently. Any feedback is highly appreciated.


Everyone’s different so this might not suit you at all, but if there’s any suggestions I can make it’d be this:

Don’t worry too much about interiors just yet. Do your block-outs first and play test so you can tweak anything that’s needed. I’d then personally work on the exteriors and any terrain detailing then start on the interiors. I’ve found to get more done this way. From there do your ext/int lighting and then all the finer details like particle effects.

Though, you did mention this was a demo, so if this is based around the interior of that house then continue the way you are I suppose.

Best of luck! :smiley:

I personally would replace the grass ground texture on the 2nd image -> looks a little bit strange + delete the grass patch on the fence :slight_smile:

Yeah that was by mistake :stuck_out_tongue: Removed it.

Plese find below a playable version of the game along with the source code. I am getting lots of performance issues while running it , so if anyone can take the pain of testing the prototype , going through the source code , and giving me suggestions for improvement , it will be a great help.
