actually, yes but I didn’t get it right yet
I asked ChatGPT about it gave me an error about defining something but at least it’s something
and here is his answer
To allow a player to upload an image from their gallery in an Unreal Engine mobile game, you will need to work with the platform’s file handling capabilities and integrate some mobile-specific features into Unreal Engine. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to implement this:
Step 1: Setup Project for Mobile Development
Ensure your Unreal Engine project is set up for mobile development:
- Enable Mobile Platforms: In your project settings, ensure that iOS and/or Android platforms are enabled.
- Set Up Packaging: Set up the packaging for your mobile game under “Project Settings” → “Packaging.”
Step 2: Create a C++ Class to Handle File Upload
You’ll need to create a custom C++ class that can handle file operations, specifically for accessing the gallery and uploading images.
- Create a New C++ Class:
- Go to “File” → “New C++ Class.”
- Choose
as the parent class and name it something like ImageUploader
- Include Necessary Headers: You’ll need to include platform-specific headers to access file operations.
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#include "ImageUploader.h"
#include "Runtime/Core/Public/Misc/FileHelper.h"
#include "Runtime/Core/Public/Misc/Paths.h"
#include "Runtime/Core/Public/GenericPlatform/GenericPlatformFile.h"
- Create a Function to Access the Gallery: You’ll need platform-specific code to access the gallery. Since Unreal doesn’t natively support gallery access, you’ll use platform-specific APIs. Here’s an example for Android:
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#include "Android/AndroidJNI.h"
#include "Android/AndroidApplication.h"
Inside your ImageUploader.cpp
, you can write a method to access the gallery and load the image:
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FString UImageUploader::PickImageFromGallery()
if (JNIEnv* Env = FAndroidApplication::GetJavaEnv())
jclass Class = FAndroidApplication::FindJavaClass("com/yourcompany/yourgame/YourActivity");
jmethodID Method = Env->GetStaticMethodID(Class, "OpenGallery", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
jstring Result = (jstring)Env->CallStaticObjectMethod(Class, Method);
const char* NativeString = Env->GetStringUTFChars(Result, 0);
FString ImagePath = FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(NativeString));
Env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(Result, NativeString);
return ImagePath;
return FString();
This code assumes you have an Android-specific method called OpenGallery
in your Java code that opens the gallery and returns the path of the selected image. You would need to implement this part in your Android project.
4. Load and Display the Image: Once you have the image path, you can use Unreal’s file loading functions to load the image into your game:
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bool UImageUploader::LoadImage(FString ImagePath, UTexture2D*& OutTexture)
TArray<uint8> FileData;
if (FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(FileData, *ImagePath))
// Code to convert FileData to UTexture2D
return true;
return false;
Step 3: Integrate with Blueprints
- Create Blueprint Callable Functions:
- In your
, mark the functions as BlueprintCallable so you can call them from Blueprints.
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UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "ImageUpload")
FString PickImageFromGallery();
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "ImageUpload")
bool LoadImage(FString ImagePath, UTexture2D*& OutTexture);
- Expose Functions to Blueprints: After compiling, these functions will be available in your Blueprints, and you can call them when you want to allow the player to upload an image.
Step 4: Implement Java Code for Android (Optional)
If you’re targeting Android, you need to implement the OpenGallery
method in your Android project.
- Edit Your
- Add the method to handle opening the gallery.
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public static String OpenGallery() {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI);
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE);
// Handle result in onActivityResult and return the file path
- Handle Result and Return Image Path: Handle the result of the image selection and return the image path to your Unreal Engine C++ code.
Step 5: Testing
- Build and Deploy: Build the project and deploy it to your mobile device.
- Test Functionality: Make sure the image upload functionality works as expected, and the image displays correctly in your game.
This process involves both Unreal Engine’s C++ code and some platform-specific code, especially for Android. For iOS, a similar process would involve using Objective-C or Swift to access the gallery.
Let me know if you need further assistance or details on any specific part of the implementation!