We are a small team working on a multiplayer melee combat game in a science-fiction/cyberpunk setting. The project is 1,5 years into development and our goal is to get into kickstarter next year.
The game is already playable, the melee combat is almost finished, we got an extensive movement system including wallruns and strafe-jumping, there is customization for the characters and a variety of different gamemodes.
While we’ve made a lot of progress so far, we’re still far from done (still in the pre-alpha stage), and need help for a variety of tasks, including but not limited to:
Texture artists
Character artists
See this video for footage of the current gameplay. Please note that we are still in prototype stage and we use some free assets for now:
I was wondering because you wrote…
project is 1,5 years in development and our goal is to get into kickstarter next year.
While we’ve made a lot of progress so far
…and there are only assets from the infiltrator demo and the blueprint sample from Epic: can you actually create you’re own designs? If you dont show them, we have to assume you cant.
Most work went into programming. The game is playable already, has different gamemodes, customization, the melee combat is pretty much finished. We also have our own concept art. What we are lacking is assets.