Open new level trigger problem: matinee fade in on load not playing + not using first person camera

UPDATE: the level loaded uses the Firsp person camera as expected, it’s spawn location however seems not be listening to the position i gave the camera. That is the problem i seem to have in the play launcher, not in the Play in editor where the camera location is listening to the location i put it.

I have made an simple trigger box volume and added in blueprint the ‘‘Onactorbeginoverlap’’ and connected this to ‘‘Open Level’’ and named the level. The strange thing is that the trigger works fine when using ‘‘play’’ in editor. But when i use the ‘‘launcher’’ it starts the level, but, makes you spawn on another location in the next level. Also my fade in by Matinee i made in the blueprint for that level is not playing when using the launcher.

Why is everything working under ‘‘play in editor’’, but not in the launcher? At least the fade in matinee should play, i made it play on level load?

It seems i have found an bug.

I renamed one map in my project and saved it as new as Level_01, previous name was Firstpersonexamplemap. When i want my player to load level; Level_01 and spawn in it something is going wrong. The spwan location keeps reffering to the location from the previous map i did not use anymore, and of which Level_01 is a copy. Why does it not reconize my spawn location where it reconizes every other change in the map?

I deleted the firstpersonexamplemap in which i found the location player start where it goes wrong, it really used the data from the old player start. When i reffer to load Level_01 it still uses the spawn location from the allready deleted earlier save of this map. It is not using the new changes i made! How do is solve this strange behaviour?

Is your project set up so that your new level is the default starting level? Check your project settings (not the World Settings) and look through ALL of those options first. Also did you actually move the player start widget or just the camera? Sounds like that might have been your issue.

It was my deffault map, and the respawn location was still the one reffered to an earlier deleted version of the map. Whatever i do, it does not work. Very strange bug.

What I’m asking is did you actually move the Player start widget to a new location? If you didn’t do that then yeah your player is still going to spawn where that is regardless of where you place the camera because that little widget (which looks like a game controller) is where the engine thinks you want the player to spawn (unless you choose ‘play from here’ or whatever it says, can’t remember cause I never use it. LOL). There’s also an option under edit/project settings that controls what level your game starts on, if you don’t change that UE4 will still start with the default map unless you completely delete the default map from your hard drive.