Open Level With Multiple Options


  1. How can I open a level with multiple options?
  2. How can I use the same Level for Multiplayer and Single Player Scenarios?

Here is my understanding so far, (I’m new to the Unreal)

I read that Open level options can be accessible within game mode and, in there we can parse any of our options passed into the open level node via option parameter.

the thing is options like “listen” and “game” will automatically identify by Ue4 and no need to processed by our selves. I used the “listen” and “game” options individually for creating a “listen server” and change game modes at runtime with game mode aliases.

Now I wanted to use the same map for single player and multiplayer scenarios with the minor changes which will be applied by game mode. For Single player “game=gamemodalias” is working fine but when I add the “listen” option the server can’t accept players. I attached the node’s image above.



It was an incorrect options string
with the above nodes, I was able to resolve my issue.

how did you fix it? i am trying to use multiple options on a string and i’m stuck where you are

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Sorry for the late reply
You can use ParseOption Node


Sorry for asking, its been so long ago i understand i may not get a response here. But if you can remember, what exactly did you do with the parse option in order to make it open the game mode and as a listen server.

Thanks in advance

I did fine a solution. it seemed,
listen ?Game=/… (Doesn’t work)
?Game=/…?listen (Doesn’t work)
?listen?Game=/… does work.

in case anyone else has this issue.


Yes, that is correct You can simplify the game mode path by providing an alias.
Project Settings → Map and modes → Advanced settings
There is an array to add aliases

I’m sorry for the early ambiguous reply. parse option has nothing to do with the opening level you can use it to pass strings into the game mode. separated by?


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Hoping someone may find this useful I’m adding this so late reply :innocent:
You have to eliminate all the spaces in the option string
A single space can cause a huge headache for an untrained eye :woozy_face: