I am having a problem where if I use the Open Level function to open “starterMenu” (a level I have made) UE4 crashes completely. I do also have a blueprint called “starterMenu”. Could that cause confusion?
I then try to rename the blueprint (Which I do), but I still get the crash. Is this one of those instances where UE4 remembers named objects (like variables) and doesn’t allow me to fully disassociate the original name with the blueprint?
I rename the level to something unique from the blueprint name, and I get no problems, and can load and load at to my hearts content. If the problem was level name being the same as a blueprint name, I would feel great as I can avoid that problem. Am I right in this assumption?
If it just works randomly I feel less enthusiastic about the solution. Sure it works now…but next time.
Thanks for your thoughts…