Open Level causes Character to fall through everything

I was trying to put together a First Playable Milestone for some friends to test so I wanted to spruce up everything with a simple Title that loads the Test Enviroment and thats it.

Sadly no matter what I do when the Widget Calls the GameInstance to Load the Test Enviroment the character just falls until it hits the Z Kill plane. It works fine if I play from editor or even just set the Test Env as the startup map but for some reason when ever I use Open Or Stream Level The character falls through everything.

Yes I have used the console to check if the collision is loaded. It is. For both the Env and the character. Its just not recognizing it and I even checked the Collision Profile just in case.

Im out of ideas. Any help would be incredibly appreciated

Level streaming in the editor will always let the player fall, apparently not in production.

The way around it is to wait until you can see the players start and then set the player’s position to the player start :slight_smile:

In fact, now I’m mentioning it, I might know why. All spawning during level streaming takes place in the persistent level ( no matter which level you call the spawn from ).

I don’t know exactly how things work, but even if you have a player ‘placed’ in your level normally, they may still be ‘spawned’ into place on begin play by the system. Which means they will fall as the is no terrain in the default persistent level.

That actuall fixed everything. I wasn’t aware that happened as my only reference for it would have been the ActionRPG example where everything works fine in editor for some reason. I even went so far as to basically copy what they did, dummy Level Sequence and all, and it STILL had the collision problems. Thank you for everything

This option did not work for me.
I did eventually figure out what was causing the issue, but I’m unable to explain why it’s a problem. Seems like a bug. (v4.26.2)

Since using “Open Level (By Ref)” seems to fail to find the resource, I opted to convert the soft path to a string and use the (By Name) version. This is when the collision issues started!

After further testing, using ONLY the name and removing the path seems to work correctly.
I can also confirm that this bug also affects for example comparison of strings. I needed to split the path to ever be able to evaluate the result as “true”.


Hero, ty for figuring that out. I ran into the bug of comparing strings, so weird.