Open, Circular World Design With Niagara Weather using Level Streaming

Hello everyone!

For reference, I was watching this video:

fast forward to 26:00

I’m currently working on a project where I will be in a large open world, ideally the size of earth. In the end, I want my world to be circular as well. As a result, I’m looking a lot at how Cesium is running in UE5 with their dynamic tile loading and earth curvature.

In the video, he has managed to sprinkle characters throughout the whole map with what looks to be a fixed-distance between them. I’m seeking to do that, except with particle systems. Ideally, I’d like to simulate global and localized weather via this format, and then as weather is needed, I can pass ‘enable’ messages to all the emitters around my character/in an area of lat/lon (using Georef plugin).

I thought about writing a blueprint to just ‘do it’ for the whole world, but having that many actors could be troublesome. On top of that, since I’m simulating around the entire globe, I would need to account for the proper curvature of the earth in my spawning details (I have a math degree, but this doesn’t sound like the optimal solution). Therefore, I would like this to be done dynamically as I load tiles in.

Does anything have any thoughts or recommendations on how something like this could be implemented? I can provide more info if needed.

TLDR; Using a large, circular world, how can I easily spawn/despawn Niagara particles to simulate a global weather state?

Thanks! I can provide more info as needed!