Open Blueprint via. Double Click on Cast Node

Hey Crowd!

last weeks i spend a lots of times in Blueprints. And i thought about a quick and dirty double click on a cast to node could open the Blueprint self.
Like double click on the “Cast to MyGameInstance” could open the Tab for the GameInstance (or any another node you wanna cast to). So you do not always need to switch with tab or search through
the tabs or content browser.


hope you like the idea :slight_smile:

greetz Spähling


I find myself still double clicking those nodes from time to time hoping it just works all of a sudden lol.

I also occasionally double-click on the casts expecting it to open up the blueprint. One issue I can see with this is that some classes are code only, but it would still be a handy feature.

great you feel the same :slight_smile: I tried to change the title with [FEATURE REQUEST] and i thought also to change it to “Double Click”, but the first change doesnt really show up in my forum view. anyway.