[Open Beta] Procedural On-the-Fly Animation in UE4: iTween!

I think the generosity of people like you are what is impressing me more and more about the Unreal community. I do feel guilty about using something that other people have put a lot of effort into (both yourselves and Mr. Berkebile). Your video tutorials were great in explaining how to use the “Move From/To” and “Rotate From/To” functionality. Perhaps when you can get this put on the Unreal Marketplace you could possibly charge something like 10 bucks. 5 for you and 5 for the original creator Mr. Berkebile. =) Actually you know what, considering the degree of ease-of-use and functionality of iTween I think you should apply to have this placed into the Unreal Engine itself!

I will definitely have a use for the Move Along Spline function for some of the background objects I need to animate around the scene, and for the floating islands that need to follow certain routes. I’m kind of holding off implementing all this at the moment until UE4.5 drops, so I’m just prototyping a lot of the scenes at the moment. I can’t wait to get my hands dirty with iTween and really start bringing said scenes to life. I can’t understate how much iTween adds to my somewhat limited repertoire of scene building! I find a lot of the ways UE Blueprints need to move/animate things quite unintuitive and hard to grasp.

Many many thanks! =)

I agree with you , is probably the most friendly person on so far (that I have met), however I have had help from a few other people but eventually they just forget about me. has stuck through for a good few days. So agree with you further, as far as payment for the itween, i would totally pay ten bucks for the itween.

You guys! I’m just really into providing support. It’s my favourite hobby. :slight_smile:

On the topic of price, it’s not just us who want it to remain free! While we may monetize Youtube tutorials down the line, Mr. Berkebile’s original solution is also free and we believe it is because he wants it to be, so free it shall be. Please enjoy the feature set regardless of the guilt! :slight_smile: iTween for Unity offers some advanced technique examples for donors, so we may have to put the same gate in front of these example scenes for parity and as to not step on Bob’s toes giving away anything for free. When the day comes, pay the gate if it catches your fancy.

We’re seriously ecstatic that you all are able to find great ways to use iTween. We want to make sure you’re able to accomplish everything you want with the suite, so please don’t hesitate to ask for help or request features. We’re happy to do whatever we can. (Even if that responsibility falls to me alone :cool:)

can you do a tutorial on how to get iTweens to communicate with other tweens by chance?

Sure, but can I ask you to clarify a bit? If you’re talking about the messaging system (on start, on tick, on complete) then yes that is in fact happening this week.

no for example the overlap scenario (on event begin overlap and end overlap), I still can get them to work together for some reason. I got the bridge to rotate but it rotates to the point and then resets. No matter what I do the bridge will not turn another 90 degrees when from the animations finish point. It’ll only turn 90 degrees from it’s original starting point (like it resets). so i figured may be itween communication would be something that would be involved in this and thought maybe u could do a when you get the time.

This sin’t something iTween should do on its own. Could you host your screenshots of your blueprint to something like imgur and post them again? Sorry to make you runa round, but for some reason I can’t see them through the forum.

Now that 4.5 is out for real, I’ve begun work on UMG implementations and a short-term solution for tweening sub-components. Additionally, we’ve added an OnLoop Messaging event that will fire every time your actor runs a loop section.

I’ve had a cold this past week, so I apologise for not putting out any videos since the first three. As soon as I get over it, I’ll be making some more. In the meantime it’s just iTween dev.

The new version will require 4.5. Render Transforms for UMG and “Get Global Time Dilation” nodes are only in 4.5+. I unfortunately cannot support older versions with updates, but I can and will provide tech support for previous versions!

Awesome ! Looking forward to finally getting stuck into iTween now that 4.5 is released! But make sure you look after yourself and get well first; without you there is no 'Tween! ;D


We’re still in beta and UMG stuff will have to wait for 4.6 (we’re waiting for UWidget object references to be exposed to blueprints), but this release is big enough to go live.

Version 0.6b! Mediafire

It installs just like before. Make sure to close your editor, delete the old iTween installation and install this one to Content.

Word of warning: This may break some connections you currently have on blueprint nodes. Some pieces were renamed not only for consistency but to make room for future updates that will move Widgets and components specifically without having to use an iTProxy. It was a necessary step to take to make ensure future compatibility, so I heartily apologise for any inconvenience this will cause for current users. I’ve taken steps to prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future, but I can’t promise connections won’t be broken in the future until we’re out of beta. Thank you for sticking it out!

Biggest new features, will have videos on them this week:
-Added iTProxy. The object itself is an empty nothing BP that allows you to have a physical object in your scene for operations that require a physical actor when you want to perform them on things like components or widgets, which are not actors. You can use any object in your scene for this, not just iTProxy. It’s just there for convenience. The actual feature is in the framework. Until we have permanent solutions for primitive components and UWidgets, you can move/scale/rotate these things using the messaging system.
-Messaging system revamp. Many more outputs, couple of new options.
-Delay specificity - now define when you want delays to happen instead of just at the beginning. Now they will happen at the beginning or after a loop section or after a full loop, or any combination of the three options.
-Linear Color From/To.
-Custom Ease Types using curve assets.
-A fully working Ease In and Out Elastic Ease Type!

Full changelog:
-Added iTProxy object to assist in tweening components/umg objects/etc. until more permanent solutions can be implemented.
-Categorised, described, and renamed interface messages for clarity.
-Fleshed Out Pause Tweening and Resume Tweening messages to allow for passing in Index, Actor Name, or Tween Name.
-Added messages to Pause All Tweens and Resume All Tweens.
-Added ability to Pause, Resume, and Stop Tweens by passing a reference to the actor that is being tweened, if applicable.
-Added Linear Color From/To.
-Updated all Events to use On Tween Loop Section messaging.
-Added “Component Tweened” and “Widget Tweened” outputs to interface messages. They’re useless for right now, I’m just getting the interface ready for future improvements.
-Added “InterpPointOnSpline” output to On Tween Tick and On Tween Loop Section
-Added ability to use a custom curve to define a custom ease type.
-Removed Get Alpha From Curve and removed superfluous curves that are taken care of with equations already.
-Cleaned up Get Alpha From Equation and renamed it to simply “Get Alpha” since it can take in a curve parameter.
-Short-term fix for Ease In and Out Elastic Ease Type: Now works using a curve.
-Added DelayType enum option to give greater control over delay:

* First Delay Only - Will only delay before Tweening begins and not after any loop.
* First Delay and After Each Loop Section - Will delay before the Tweening begins and after each time a loop completes using Rewind or the Tween switches between forward and backward using Back-and-Forth.
* After Each Loop Section Only - Will delay after each time a loop completes using Rewind or the Tween switches between forward and backward using Back-and-Forth, but not before the Tweening begins.
* First Delay and After Each Full Loop - Will delay before the Tweening begins and after each time a loop completes using Rewind or after the Tween has played both forward and backward one time each using Back-and-Forth.
* After Each Full Loop Only - Will delay after each time a loop completes using Rewind or after the Tween has played both forward and backward one time each using Back-and-Forth, but not before the Tweening begins.

-Ignore Pause/Time Dilation works now and Time Dilation settings will be restored to the Tweening object after the Tweening operation has finished. However, Tick When Paused will destructively change that setting on the actor, i.e. its original settings will not be restored. This is because there is currently no way to “get” the “Tickable When Paused” property on actors at this moment in time. Be mindful of this limitation.
-consistency pass (i.e. changing names to remove spaces or to be more specific, like Move From/To becoming Actor Move From/To to differentiate it from Component Move From/To and UMG Move From/To in the future. This may break some connections to pins. I apologise! This may happen once or twice more before we get out of beta, but will NOT happen in the 1.0 release forward, barring some humongous paradigm shift in how the engine works)

* "Actor" added before events taking "Actor"
* Look At Spline Point now Actor Rotate To Spline Point for consistency
* Move Along Spline now Actor Move To Spline Point for consistency

-optimization pass

Thread title change! Score!

New video: Using the messaging system Part 1: YouTube

I’m going to try to crank out as many videos as I can this week; they are top priority. I am experiencing some hardcore crashing on my workstation though, so they may materialize later than we’d like and with a few jump cuts to skip over the crashes and reloads.


There was a problem with tweens not pausing and resuming correctly; this fixes that problem. I recommend nobody download v0.6b and downloads this instead :slight_smile:


New video: Using the messaging system Part Deux: YouTube

EDIT: Actually a video now

This is absolutely amaaazing :D! One of the few things I really missed having from Unity was Itween, so to discover this thread is just all kinds of awesome, and the fact you are even making great video tutorials? Awesome :D! Thank you very much for working on this :)!

One question I have, I saw UMG render transforms being mentioned as not a possibility prior to 4.5, with 4.5 now out can you use ITween in UMG, for example, to animate a size over a time with a tweened float when something is hovered?
A limitation I found with the current UMG animation system is that I’d need to create an animation for every button/text object individually. If I could just call an event that sets the transforms based on a single tween call that would be amazing.
If this isn’t possible though this is still an epic system I can’t wait to begin using again in Unreal Engine :D.

We love seeing Unity refugees in :smiley: That’s not to say we want anyone to stop using Unity - both Unity and UE are excellent engines with their own strengths. We just want to be simple across the board.

Direct manipulation of UMG widgets is not possible right now because we’re missing the ability to reference widgets outside of the blueprint that owns them, but this functionality will be in 4.6, as Darnell said. However, I’ve come up with an interim solution using the messaging system that will remain forward compatible. There will be UMG-specific tweening operations in the near future, but you can tween them now if you need to using the messaging system and those tweens will continue to work forever. Or at least until I break something.

I guffed the last two videos (trying to piece together clips instead of one contiguous video has resulted in two different irrelevant clips getting mixed) and I am re-rendering them now. If you’d like to start tweening your UMG stuff, the (quite long, sorry) videos on messaging and iTProxy. Part 1 is ready to . Part 2 is mostly complete but is missing the ending and the video on iTProxy needs to be completely re-rendered. Look for them within the hour.

Haha thanks :).
They did, until UE4 also got ITween xD. But yeah seriously I know what you mean :).

Curses, every time I think ‘yup this version will get me everything I need :D’ I hear things coming in the next version I want now xD;. Awesome to see that a workaround exists that will likely persist after the update, that’s great news-much better than making and keyframing every single text object like I feared I would have to. Can’t wait for more UMG-specific tween functions.

Ahh no worries, and don’t worry about the video length, you’ve just got a lot to tutorialize and I’ve already watched most of messaging part 1 and it’s presented really well :)! Looking forward to the other videos, keep up the great work :smiley:

That’s absolutely one of the reasons we wanted to port iTween - keying animations kind of sucks. Being able to apply a procedural animation rule to all of them is much less painful! And thank you for the compliments on my tutorialization technique, even if it just can’t possibly be true :stuck_out_tongue:

's How to Use iTProxy: YouTube


The new video is sweet, watching that text be scaled to 100x was great XD. Explains just what I was hoping to know :smiley: so really looking forward now to integrating this into my workflows :)!

Please show us all what cool stuff you can do with the tools! :cool:

Shall give it a shot :cool:!

After having played with it a bunch now I can officially confirm, at least of my own opinion, that this is awesome :D!
Gives you all the information you could ask for and more with each action/function and it’s just absolutely brilliant, it already shines with a polish at least equal to that of UE4 itself.
I’ve now been able to successfully get buttons working through this ITween and couldn’t be happier with the results :)!!

Original with animations:
Originally I had to go through the pain of create a unique keyframed animation for the buttons hover and unhover action-which was especially time consuming if you wanted anything more than just scaling up/down like I did, can only imagine if you ever wanted to change the animation at all in the future, and had to make each event unique as well.
And I would have needed to continue making a unique animation for each buttons hover/unhover action throughout each area of each interface.
This was the original blueprint for 4 buttons

New with ITween:
It took a bit more to setup and get working, but now I’m much much happier with it :D, so many ease types ready for you to choose from, and I’ve been able to build the majority of it into a macro, so it’s laughably simple to give the ‘animation’ to any button I wish, and even more so to make any changes inside the macro affecting all of my buttons.
Outside the macro - Imgur: The magic of the Internet.
Inside the macro - Imgur: The magic of the Internet.
Now it works flawlessly, and even better is the fact that because I’m able to stop the hover tween as soon as the mouse is off the button with this, and tween it back to 1xscale from its current transform it doesn’t have glitchy looking pops like the original with animations where I had to play the unhover transition animation with the button starting fully scaled.

I cannot thank you enough for this, seriously, after only 4 buttons I was ready to give up on a lively feeling interface until a better system hopefully became available, well this is the better system I needed and it’s everything I could have asked for and more, keep up the great work :D.