So there is vehicle game I’m working on for my university…so in order to win a getaway car has to enter a garage of a safe house to win the game…now my question is how do I get the door open at night and then close again at dawn…also what do I need to do to create an event that if the getaway car will enter…it will win the game but if the police car will enter nothing will happen…
if there is blueprint please send me a screenshot of the scripting…
Cheers and thanks in advance!
Are you trying to make us do this game for you? Within 2 hours you asked 4 questions where you ask someone to do certain parts of your game for you, you are not even asking for advice it’s just “please do that code for me and send me a screenshot so I can copy it to my game”. It’s a university project you need to do to learn something but if everyone else will do everything for you, you will not learn anything
True…it was only one thing that I needed a screenshot for…I have been researching for answers to queries…I’m only asking for those answers that I couldn’t find anywhere else…