Opeing/Closing door using Gate Node

So i was trying to make a Door Opening/Closing event using box trigger collision volume. But for some reason the door opens properly but does not get closed when i get away from the box trigger volume. So, can anyone please tell me what exactly is wrong with my code and give me a proper working code?

FYI if u cant see the image properly then here are all the nodes:

event begin overlap/end overlap, 2 cast nodes, an event tick node, break/make rotator nodes, Get/Set Actor Rotation nodes, RInterpTo Node, Gate Node, 2 references to door

But for some reason the door opens
properly but does not get closed when
i get away from the box trigger

Leaving the trigger closes the Gate, blocking the execution path. Besides that, the Target for the Interp always stay the same so, even with the Gate open, nothing would animate.

Generally speaking, such functionality would be normally encapsulated in the Door actor:

Entities stepping into triggers can then:

Ideally, you would make the trigger a part of the door providing there’s a direct connection between the two. This way you’ve blueprinted the entire actor and can now populate the level with many instances, each handling the logic inside separately.