Oodle & texture compression.

It seems Oodle is active on all UEFN projects.
I changed the RDO to 40 and it dropped my cook size.
This leads me to understand that UEFN default RDO is somewhere under that, I’d guess 20?

I am still learning about optimization methods and Oodle is very new to me, Maybe somebody more knowledgeable can correct me or expand on this

Some more power over all this (like project defaults) like UE has would be lovely, which I trust is coming in due time.

I tried upping RDO compression to 50 but it didnt change our cooksize. What was your workflow to achieve this?

In the details panel in the texture there is “Lossy Compression Amount” -

It maxes out at RDO40, I guess you were looking at the Oodle panel (below). I could be wrong but I believe this is just to audition/simulate different compression settings without going through the hassle of packaging/cooking.