OnSimulate Exceed memory limit verse crash

Recently me and my team published a map that really took a lot of work, and after the publish, we are having a lot of verse crashs, we are having a lot of verse crashs with ErrRuntime_MemoryLimitExceeded, the biggest reasons for crashes is this

Does anyone have any idea what this is and how I can solve it?

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@VETZBR Could you copy and paste that report ID and share it with us? Thanks!

Sure, here is - Report ID: B34EDF63758942099F43E9E7728CCD1C

also, we have another Memory Limit bugs in the map, I will send their report IDs too, if they are useful

Report ID: C3293E5CD42D466EBE4F9633391C327F

Report ID: 7A66DA5A1F2240C8A4AA63A93C684B1B

Report ID: DDF88DBAE2D84BE883EC9A02ADF151B2

Thank you!

this is a pretty importante map for us, so I would be grateful if you could give me some information soon!

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I’ll make sure @Vath sees your reply. Thank you!

@VETZBR Is this runtime error still occurring for you?

We also have few memory issues in our Pet Heroes Adventure map.
In fact, currently this is the only runtime error we have

Since its a memory limit issue, every time it appears a different stack
We in fact have a lot of calculations being done but we reduced it the max we could.
We even reduced players from 6 to 4 but with 4 advanced players playing, we get a lot of server latency which I’m not sure if it’s related.


Exceeded memory limit(s).
Stack Trace

Verse unrecoverable error: ErrRuntime_MemoryLimitExceeded: Exceeded memory limit(s). (Ran out of memory for allocating UObjects while attempting to create a Verse task: task_Verse_event$Await!)

Truncated callstack follows:
Verse_event:Await (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))
task_custom_npc_pet$ManageNPC:Update (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))
Build Version
Link Code
8039-8238-9814 v35
61572cc2-45de-b9cf-5201-ff83de95b9f0 v1100


Same for us, started to happen after v32.00 and keeps happening occasionally to this day

EDIT: Ours is ComputationLimitExceeded

hi @Vath this error is also occurring for me

Any update? :frowning:

same stuff happening for me, did someone find a fix?