OnSimulate Exceed memory limit verse crash

Recently me and my team published a map that really took a lot of work, and after the publish, we are having a lot of verse crashs, we are having a lot of verse crashs with ErrRuntime_MemoryLimitExceeded, the biggest reasons for crashes is this

Does anyone have any idea what this is and how I can solve it?

@VETZBR Could you copy and paste that report ID and share it with us? Thanks!

Sure, here is - Report ID: B34EDF63758942099F43E9E7728CCD1C

also, we have another Memory Limit bugs in the map, I will send their report IDs too, if they are useful

Report ID: C3293E5CD42D466EBE4F9633391C327F

Report ID: 7A66DA5A1F2240C8A4AA63A93C684B1B

Report ID: DDF88DBAE2D84BE883EC9A02ADF151B2

Thank you!

this is a pretty importante map for us, so I would be grateful if you could give me some information soon!

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I’ll make sure @Vath sees your reply. Thank you!

@VETZBR Is this runtime error still occurring for you?