Only the last of multipe BPs working. (Overlap)

Hello people of the Unreality!

I’ve finished my Ladder_BP and it is working as intended, but when I place a 2nd or 3rd one to the level, I can only uses the last one.
By use I mean registering Overlap events with ‘Is Overlapping Actor’.

Maybe it is visible on the pictures above, that I’m useing the Ladder_BP to check if it’s face overlaps the FPSPawn_BP, but it does not register. (On picture above the working one is shown). The exact same does not work on it’s child or clone. Not even if I rename the component. (3rd picture)

Also I have my inputs ‘Consume Input’ OFF.

Thank you for your help beforehand.

Can’t really tell what is going on here. But I can tell you using “Tick” here is probably not appropriate. Paste the entire BP to this website so I can take a look around.

Thank you for taking the time to read my problem.

I do not think that EventTick has anything to do with the problem. For the code is working with one placed in the world, but not with multiple. The Tick is only being used if the FPSPawn ‘overlaps’ the ladder’s frontal collision, so it doesn’t do anything for the other ladder, only 1 at a time.

However I would rather not give out my blueprint for multiple reasons.

Suit yourself. I have no clue why it is doing what it is doing. The screen shots don’t really help much. You realize #2 and #3 are the exact same thing the only difference is you say one works one doesn’t. So in reality you have 2 screen shots, the first one I don’t even know how it fits in as I can tell from a hard examination of your BPs that the sequences in the first and second pic are not the same so the first pic is not additional info about pic 2 but instead a separate blueprint. I assume this because the wires from the “0” output go up in pic one and straight across in pic 2. Point being if you are unwilling to post more of the blueprints for “multiple reasons”, I am afraid you are going to need a clairvoyant to tell you what the problem is. Even with all the blueprints to look at finding out why this or that doesn’t work on a particular person’s project can still be a challenge. You are providing next to nothing and asking the community to help you with a problem. Maybe you should reconsider posting your question in a public forum if it is that classified you can’t share more of the blueprints.

Thank you for your time once again.

I basicly I got my answer from you. I was thinking it might be a common issue, since I’ve seen some posts complaining about simmilar issues, however now I see that you did not encounter this issue much before, I understand it is not common. I will work on this on my own and post my solution as soon as I find it.

It could be a very common issue. It likely IS a common issue with a simple fix. What I am trying to say is, no one will be able to figure out what the issue is even if it is very common by those screen shots alone. This has nothing to do with it being common or not. I have helped people fix issues that are not common and only a result of their particular blueprint code. I don’t have to have had the problem myself to tell you how to fix it. Blueprints are all logic. What I do need to help is to be able to identify the problem. And without additional info and pictures of your blueprint setup I am unable to identify the issue. That was my point.