Only the last message shows up when I send multiple messages to a UI text field

I would like to be able to send multiple text messages to a widget at the bottom of the screen with a time delay between each. Only one message should show at a time. Currently what I am doing is only showing the last text message sent. Any suggestions?

To clarify. We send messages rapidly, as in: 10 message can arrive within 1 second but we want to show them one at a time after a set interval, right?

Thanks. The interval might vary maybe, but yes - that is what I why would like to do

Experiment with something along the lines of:

  • push new messages into an array
  • providing there are messages left to show:
    – the looping timer pulls the oldest message from the array at index 0
    – sets the text
    – removes the index
    – plays the animation
  • you can set the time interval with the custom event

I’ve assumed the animation fades the text out.

Thanks very much! I made some slight changes but the above is what I needed to sort my issue, add/remove messages from an array and use a loop to process the messages

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