Hi all, still a bit new with RealityCapture, so please excuse my lack of proper terminology! I’m running into an unusual issue. After I import all of my photos of my human figure, I click align and it generates the (point cloud?) points very accurately, the entire figure from head to toe, and it looks great. When I go to do the reconstruction however, it only generates just a portion of the mesh - the ground and the shoes, and nothing above that. It’s almost as if it a flat plane sliced off everything right above the shoes. Usually I’d attribute this simply to poor-quality photos, but I’m confused as to why the point cloud looks very accurate and the position of the photos in the 3D viewport match the actual camera position when I took the photos, but reconstructing the mesh only generates just the bottom portion. After searching around the forums and poking through the reconstruction settings, I’m a bit of a loss as to what’s causing this. Any suggestions? Thanks very much!
(note: I’m using the DEMO version if that makes a difference. I’m very much interested in the promo version but still seeing what RC is capable of first!)