Only one OnComponentHit event is firing

i have two types of arrows which are defined and spawned in character controller as follows:

character.h file:
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere,BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Projectile)
		TSubclassOf<class AArrowProjectile> NormalArrowClass;
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Projectile)
		TSubclassOf<class ASpeicalArrow> SpecialArrowClass;

Character.cpp file:
			switch (SelectedArrowNumber){
			case 0:
				World->SpawnActor<AArrowProjectile>(NormalArrowClass, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation, ActorSpawnParams);
			case 1:
				World->SpawnActor<ASpeicalArrow>(SpecialArrowClass, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation, ActorSpawnParams);
				World->SpawnActor<AArrowProjectile>(NormalArrowClass, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation, ActorSpawnParams);

each one has a separate actor type class where i have defined a static mesh and a sphere collider for them
im trying to activate hit even for them but only the first one is activating


    // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "ArrowProjectile.generated.h"

class TESTSHOOTER_API AArrowProjectile : public AActor
	UPROPERTY(VisibleDefaultsOnly, Category = Projectile)
		class USphereComponent* CollisionComp;
	UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Movement, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
		class UProjectileMovementComponent* ProjectileMovement;
	UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Mesh, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
		class UStaticMeshComponent* ArrowMesh;
	UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = Default)
		AActor* PlayerActorBlueprint;
	// Sets default values for this actor's properties
		void OnHit(UPrimitiveComponent* HitComp, AActor* OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, FVector NormalImpulse, const FHitResult& Hit);


	/** Returns CollisionComp subobject **/
	FORCEINLINE class USphereComponent* GetCollisionComp() const { return CollisionComp; }
	/** Returns ProjectileMovement subobject **/
	FORCEINLINE class UProjectileMovementComponent* GetProjectileMovement() const { return ProjectileMovement; }



   // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include "ArrowProjectile.h"
#include "GameFramework/ProjectileMovementComponent.h"
#include "Components/SphereComponent.h"

// Sets default values
	// Use a sphere as a simple collision representation
	CollisionComp = CreateDefaultSubobject<USphereComponent>(TEXT("SphereComp"));

	// Players can't walk on it
	CollisionComp->SetWalkableSlopeOverride(FWalkableSlopeOverride(WalkableSlope_Unwalkable, 0.f));
	CollisionComp->CanCharacterStepUpOn = ECB_No;
	CollisionComp->OnComponentHit.AddDynamic(this, &AArrowProjectile::OnHit);
	ArrowMesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>(TEXT("Arrow Mesh"));

	// Set as root component
	RootComponent = CollisionComp;

	// Use a ProjectileMovementComponent to govern this projectile's movement
	ProjectileMovement = CreateDefaultSubobject<UProjectileMovementComponent>(TEXT("ProjectileComp"));
	ProjectileMovement->UpdatedComponent = CollisionComp;
	ProjectileMovement->InitialSpeed = 5000/1.2f;
	ProjectileMovement->MaxSpeed = 5000*1.2f;
	ProjectileMovement->bRotationFollowsVelocity = true;
	ProjectileMovement->bShouldBounce = false;

	// Die after 3 seconds by default
	InitialLifeSpan = 3.0f;

void AArrowProjectile::OnHit(UPrimitiveComponent* HitComp, AActor* OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, FVector NormalImpulse, const FHitResult& Hit)

	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 2.0f, FColor::Red, TEXT("Normal Arrow Hit"));

	// Only add impulse and destroy projectile if we hit a physics
	if ((OtherActor != NULL) && (OtherActor != this) && (OtherComp != NULL) && OtherComp->IsSimulatingPhysics())
		OtherComp->AddImpulseAtLocation(GetVelocity() * 100.0f, GetActorLocation());


the SpeicalArrow class uses exactly the same code the only difference is wherever there is ArrowProjectile or AArrowProjectile i changed it to SpeicalArrow or ASpecialArrow and changed the Gengine->… messages

so when i fire the normal arrow i get the “Normal arrow spawned” and “Normal Arrow Hit” message
but when i fire second arrow i only get “Special Arrow Spawned” message so the OnHit(…) function is not running.
both arrow are using the same collision preset and object type

it is basically the same Projectile class from FPS sample of unreal.
i haven’t mentioned some other code from my Character class as i thought they aren’t needed, please tell me if you need the code

CollisionComp->OnComponentHit.AddDynamic(this, &AArrowProjectile::OnHit);
in your BeginPlay() function