Only half of the object is modelled, why?

Excuse me,

I have tried several times, but always only half of the object is modelled, it’s quit strange.

At first, I have thought that maybe it is caused by the backlight.

But I closed the curtains, and use flash, it’s still the same.

Would any body please help to tell me why? Thanks!


Still quite strange…

some more raw photos for the above.

Hi Y,

I suspect that not all of your images are aligned in one component, otherwise all the thumbnails would have a green dot in the top right corner…

Thanks then how to secure that all photos are aligned?

FAQ has a first aid post for that - basically it’s about optimizing workflow and/or more/better images.

There are also plenty of discussions here in the forum about this topic…

Thanks a lot then I will read them.

You are taking pictures of an object on a floor that shows a lot of reflections. That is terrible for alignment.

Also, you need to get a lot closer to your object. It should cover about 80% of the photo.

You want to use a high F-Stop value to preserve some depth of field.

You also want to use a tripod for the camera so you can take pictures at the lowest ISO level your camera can manage.

Ideally you want to use a turntable and a lightbox for these types of objects.


Hey ShadowTail,

thanks for the summary - I thought we’ve covered it often enough in the last few months!  :slight_smile: