Using UE5. I am importing a FBX with the material import option “create new instanced materials.” This imports in the mesh and textures connected to a material instance. The textures are UDIMs and Unreal recognizes them as Virtual Textures, indicated with VT as shown in the image below. However, it is not loading in all of the UDIM textures, but rather just one as you can see:
This can also be seen in the output log:
LogTexture: Display: Building textures: /Game/CGProj/Assets/T_Toad_body_dif_1006.T_Toad_body_dif_1006 (TFO_AutoDXT VT, 2048x2048 x1x1x1) (Required Memory Estimate: 122.729165 MB), EncodeSpeed: Fast
in particular this part: “x1x1x1”
(TFO_AutoDXT VT, 2048x2048 x1x1x1)
If I right-click the textures and select “reimport” the UDIMs tiles are all loaded in correctly, as you can see below
Here’s the output log:
LogEditorFactories: Performing atomic reimport of [Z:/Proj/textures/T_Toad_body_dif.1006.png]
LogFactory: FactoryCreateFile: Texture2D with ReimportTextureFactory (0 0 Z:/Proj/textures/T_Toad_body_dif.1006.png)
LogEditorFactories: -- imported successfully
LogTexture: Display: Building textures: /Game/CGProj/Assets/T_Toad_body_dif_1006.T_Toad_body_dif_1006 (TFO_AutoDXT VT, 2048x2048 x1x1x6) (Required Memory Estimate: 326.546021 MB), EncodeSpeed: Fast
Now the Building Texture line reads,
(TFO_AutoDXT VT, 2048x2048 x1x1x6)
indicating that it found all 6 UDIM textures.
So my question is: how can I get the FBX import to properly load in all the UDIM images?