OnlineSubSystems? nat punchthrough?

I was wondering if there is different types of subsystems to work with other than steam? I am wondering because I mostly want to get past the NAT Punchthrough problem. I was thinking about using steam. Am I approaching this the wrong way? Is there another way to punchthrough.

Thank you

You will need a master server to be able to use NAT Punchthrough. There are no built-in capabilities inside Unreal as of now. So you’ll have to implement it yourself.

Or wait for my tutorial to come up somewhere in May (I hope):

Also, RakNet is completely opensource now (and available on GitHub) which implements NAT punchthrough. You can view their source to get an idea of how it should be done there

Here’s a link to their repo RakNet

Actually, there’s a lot of fun stuff in there to take a peak at :wink: