In my application users can host sessions (listen server) and then I’m using the Blueprint “Find Session” node to look for LAN sessions which I then display in a server browser. Users can then select an entry from the server browser and join a session (this works well so far).
I’m trying to do some error handling now and I’m stuck on the following case:
(1) User-1 hosts a session
(2) User-2 opens the server browser and finds the sessions of User-1 (the session is now displayed in User-2’s server browser)
(3) User-1 closes his session (Blueprint → DestroySession → Quit)
(4) User-2 then selects the session of User-1 to join (the session shouldn’t exist anymore in my understanding)
(5) Using the “Join Session” Blueprint node, I attempt to connect to the session
Surprisingly, the JoinSession node returns with “On Success” but obviously no level travel happens.
I would like to know if there is a way to detect this case “A session that has previously been created is now closed”.