Project Title:
< dont have a name yet>
< Game where Humans and Monsters can play together and fight each other “Human Nation"vs"Monster Nation”>
< for more details and work please email me @ >
- Some feature #1 *]Some feature #2 *]Some feature #3
Team Name:
<Unregistered company atm “Guard-Studios”>
Team Structure**:**
<Project Manager> Nico Silias Blacktir / actually its me
<C++ Programmer> needed
<Blueprint Scripting> needed
<3D Character Artist> needed
<3D Artist> needed
<Concept Artist> needed
Previous Work:
<Was playing and editing in a Private Server as a DEV Game named Dekaron>
Talent Required:
<Project Manager> a Assistent
<C++ Programmer> 2 Programmer
<Blueprint Scripting> 2 Scripter
<3D Character Artist> 2 Artist
<3D Artist> 2 Artist
<Concept Artist> 2 Artist
<Dont have one Yet / later if we thinking about Beta start>
E-mail: <>