Online Collaboration?

What does Unreal have for collaborating online with teams?

A group of my friends are trying to make a game and we are worried that working on it together is going to be hard unless we’re all in the same room, which would be very improbable. So I’d like to know if Unreal has anything for collaboration or how we can make collaborating easier.

There is source control, but that’s not really easy, I spent 12 hours getting mine setup (it isn’t very user friendly). You can use a few different source control services, Perforce is what I am using, and is free with Assembla servers for like 19 people.

Here you can get more information about source control: https://docs.unrealengine/latest/INT/Engine/Basics/SourceControl/index.html + how to set it up: https://wiki.unrealengine/Git_source_control_(Tutorial) (you can also find a tutorial with perforce and snv) :slight_smile: