I have a very simple scene with a table and a book. In the level blueprint I have put an OnInputTouchEnd event for the book that jut print a string on the screen.
My problem is that depending on the angle I am approaching the book, sometimes the touch event does not fire. And this is driving me crazy for days now, because I can’t figure out why…
Hm I would say it could be something with the collision, check on what element did you add “OnTouch” event , maybe you added it on something else than your Book Mesh, then check your static mesh what kind of collision it has and remake it if you need to, usually is best to just make a simple box collision.
Other way would be to import a simple box static mesh and make it invisible, and use that as touch-trigger event.
Also note that “touch” is meant to be used on touchable devices, while for windows you’d obviously use On Click.
Hi Jurif, thanks for keep thinking about this…
My mesh is a skeletal mesh and can’t find this option. I have tried turning the double sided geometry on a static mesh trigger though and again it didn’t work…