I’m having exactly the same problem on 4.20 (downloaded and compiled yesterday), but I’m on Linux. The error is the same though. Any way to solve this without having to go back to 4.18? (the download and setup time is pretty big and I’d like to avoid it at all cost)
Thank you
There was a “bug” in the last commit:
There shouldn’t be any problems, since the && has lower precedence than the ||, and everything should just compile, but it didn’t work for me and I have to explicitly set the () around the first group of &&.
is the code that compiles:
if (
&& !Actor->IsA(ASMutator::StaticClass())
&& Actor->GetRootComponent() != nullptr
&& Actor->GetRootComponent()->Mobility != EComponentMobility::Static
&& !Actor->IsA(ALight::StaticClass())
Notice that I only added extra () around the first 4 && conditions. Either add the () yourself, or copy/paste that code.
How did I debug it?
I manually compiled the client:
Then I checked the logs in the output, and <home>/Library/Logs/Unreal Engine/LocalBuildLogs/Log.txt