One variable for all characters/actors

i am really new to ue5, and I am working on my (first) project. I want to make a variable which is defined by a collision box from an actor and the main character should “work” with this variable.
Is there a way to make a variable that can be used by both the character and the actor? Thank you

Hey @Zee_sea! Welcome to the forums!

Before you get started with your first project, give this tutorial a shot! It’ll help you get a good, solid base of understanding with Unreal! :slight_smile:

Yes, a character inherits from actor:


If you make the var actor type:

You can have it reference any actor, including a character.

Admittedly, the wording is somewhat confusing - not sure if that’s what you’re after.

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I don’t get what you mean…
you made an actor with a box collision and a variable,and hope the character(another actor) to get or set the variable?

thank you!