One texture >= 65k export

Hi !

I am trying to export a textured Mesh with the “export to single texture file” checked.

My model is textured with 8 to 12 textures (16k) (I tested with several unwraps). And of course I would like to preserve quality AND export to a single file (because I want to bake after and this is much easier with a single texture material).

This works very well with a max texture size up to 32768, but when I try to export a bigger resolution (65536), the resulting output file is empty (size = 0 kB) with no error or I have an error on export.

Everything works fine in 32768.

It does not seem to be a file system issue (I am writing on an NTFS volume), and I don’t think it is a RAM issue ? (I have 128 GB of RAM).


Any idea ?

Thanks !


Some image formats have a limit regarding their size. What image format are you trying to save the textures as?

Yes, that is what I was supposing.
I tried PNG, JPG, TIF, TIFF, EXR. Always the same result : 0 kB file or error without explanation.

orthomaps can be exported as bigtif. but i haven’t tried that for textures.

it will be nice when texturing can export exr files, then won’t have to worry about this.

Would like to bump this question; texture maximal size can be set as 65536 in RC, but it is unclear which image file format supports such large texture, since bigtif isn’t an option. Tried tiff but at 3.99GB it obviously gives an error.