One team left

Hi I have 6 teams of 2 in my creative map and i want the round to end when only one team remains. I cant use the “last standing ends game command” as i want the round to end, not the game. Im very new to uefn so i was just wondering if maybe there was a verse code to detect when one team remains and it activates an end round device?

The ‘last standing end game’ setting might be a bit confusing, but instead of ending all the rounds, it ends the game, meaning the current round. So you’re fine with using this setting. Make sure to increase the total rounds setting to your wanted value, because if its on 1, its still not going to do what you want

I did do that but when i published the map a second round never started?

What value is your total rounds


FALSEI’m not sure what the setting is called. But near the start of the island settings there is a settings that says what to end on game end. By default its on end game. But you must change it to end round

Actually, forget what I said earlier. I do not think that setting exists. Probably what you’re doing wrong is that you have to define the Game winner display time, Game score display time, Round winner display time, Round score dispaly time. The winner setting defines how long your win/loss screen should appear for at the end of a round. The score defines how long the game scoreboard appears for after the win/loss screen.

The difference between the round and game display time settings, is that the round display time show after every round, and the game only after the game has ended (so on the 100th round at the end it shows but the round win and score and after also the total scoreboard stats for the entire game of all players) you can leave the game display time settings on 0, but you have to define the round display time settings to 3 seconds or whatever you want

Where is this setting?

its in the island settings. The 4 settings are at the top of the section User Options UI Settings.

alright i will try this and let you know if if works, thanks

Yes this worked thank you so much, i cant belive i was so dumb

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