Hello everyone here.
I want to create a system ( custom event ) which will automate my characters talking in different languages by just using one string value as input value.
The custom event should be called with a string named e.g. “NI_A001”. “NI_” is for the Charakters Name and “A001” is for the exact number of the line to talk.
It should than read the text from a stringtable called “NI_A001_DE” or “NI_A001_EN”
play a sound called “NI_A001_DE.WAV” or “NI_A001_EN.WAV”
and play the animation sequence named “NI_A001_DE_ANIM_SEQ” or “NI_A001_EN_ANIM_SEQ”
I would expand the system for more languages if needed.
Is it possible to achieve this in blueprints ?
Means take the string, add new endings to it and use it to get different classes ( text, sound and animation sequences )
Hi @stucki I wanted to ask if you have tried using localization dashboard and see if that fulfills your requirements. Its fairly easy to use and has some nice features. I am linking it below. In case that isn’t what you are looking for let me know. I will put this as a question for myself and figure out if what you said can be done when I stream later.
I am using localisation dashboard for changing the texts in differnet languages already.
But I dont know how to use it for different audiofiles and different animation sequences for lipsync animations for my characters.
So I thought about creating a one in all solution for my game using only one string and let my blueprint do all the selection by altering the string and using it for everything else like soundfiles and animation sequences.
Would be a nice way for me to handle it if possible.
@stucki I got around to it and creating something. Hopefully explanation helps. Basically you can store everything in datatables and upon changing language you update the datatable from which dialogues, voicelines and animations are picked. Each datatable can have assets and dialogue for different languages. The row ids will be the same across the tables. I am leaving explanation that I gave. I hope it helps and if there are anymore questions feel free to ask.
P.S. you might have to skip some talking parts. There is more to listen to in full vod as well.
Hi again. I just watched the 42:06 minute video. Thx again for your time and will to help !!
The video ended very aprupt when you where looking for soundfiles Next video is you playing street fighter.
But as far as I coud watch, I think you misunderstood my intention a little bit.
I just dont want to have every voice line set up in a data table with the referring soundfile and animation asset and this for every language. Thats exactly the effort I was trying to avoid.
I was hoping for some far more simple solution.
I have the dialog string name for every dialog set up already.
I just want to have a blueprint get the text information of it, append “.wav” or “_ANIM_SEQ” and play a soundfile with this new name and play the lipsyncanimation with this new name.
I dont know how to make this more clear …
It should all be automated with the input of just this input. But I fear it is not possible to do this in blueprints.
I try to explain it again.
I have a string with “NI_A001_DE” in it. With this info I just want to play an audiofile named “NI_A001_DE.wav” and the animation sequence named “NI_A001_DE_ANIM_SEQ” with no tables at all.
The System should read the string “NI_A001_DE” append “.wav” to it, put this new string as the name of the audio.asset and play it. The same with the animation sequence. It should read the string “NI_A001_DE” append “_ANIM_SEQ” put this string as the name of the animation asset and play it. Audio files and Animation Sequences are existant and named this way.
I hope I could explain myself better, this time ? I will send an image to explain.
Is this possible at all ?
kind regards
@stucki I have used your reference image to explain how I’d go about it keeping your design in there. Apologies for the cut not being the best the VOD does explain Primary Assets which I recommend you should check out. The image I shared showcases how you can get the assets by appending strings. A few things to care for here
Naming convention is strict. So if naming messes up it won’t load anything
See “Make Primary Asset Id” node, you want to categories your primary assets properly. Category Defines the path and Primary Asset Name is the name of the asset.
You should load all needed assets from primary asset to ensure they are in the memory.
I hope this helps. Though feel free to expand on it and ask questions if needed.
Again, thx very much for the help. Really appreciated !!
I am getting most of it done. Only thing is, I don´t know how to set up the new categories “Sounds” and “Animation” in the Make primary Asset ID node. I only have “None”, “map” and “Primary Asset Label” availiable. Could you please explain how to create these new ones ?
I guess I have to create them somewhere, right ?
kind regards
So you create new ones in project settings → Asset Manager and then click + on the marked. You can defined path and/or specific assets it needs to pick.
thx again very much. I have it working now in the blueprint. Will test it with some real sounds and animations on my game soon. I am reall eager to see if it works. Would make my life so much easier.
best regards
It is getting a little bit crazy now.
I had it all working like a charm and was super happy. And suddenly out of nowhere it stopped working again. Maybe because I restarted the engine, once ??
Now the Cast To SoundWave and Cast To AnimSequence faile because the paths are none.
Before the restart the paths where right and the Cast To worked.
Do you have any idea about this ?
kind regards
thx again for your help. But it is really confusing. It has stopped working again. Both cast to commands are failing, though they have worked before. I guess if I delete the Assets again and create them again, it will work once more and later fail again.
Do you have any idea why this is happening ?
Sorry to bother you again, but this is so important to me to get it to work, and til here you helped me so much with it. Can you please help me once again ?
kind regards