One-on-one tutors/tipsters/problem solvers?

Hi all,
I’m new to Unreal but have been watching plenty of tutorials and “masterclass” videos online, but always run into a few questions or problems that I’d love some one-on-one help with.
I’m well versed in C4D, AE, etc…so I do have a background in mograph and animation, but diving into Unreal for it’s amazing capabilities.
Most of my questions are more basic stuff as I learn the ins and outs of UE, but I may aslo have some more advanced/technical questions as I progress in adapting my known workflows through UE.
Is anyone up for helping a relative newbie out for zoom/screenshare sessions? I understand that everyone’s time is valuable, but I also don’t have super deep pockets, but willing to negotiate something reasonable for this type of tutoring/advice collaboration.
Please hit me up and let me know if interested.

Topics I’m hoping to learn are:

  • Basics of asset creation, content browser, importing C4D and FBX meshes, saving and re-using of those meshes in multiple levels/projects.
  • Materials/Texturing.
  • Best lighting setups and options for motion graphics, animation and product renderings. Including Lumen and Path Tracer.
  • Tips/Tricks for cameras, edits and sequencer.
    -And more, etc.

Thank you!