One Line Trace for multiple Objects

Hey folks,

so imagine 3 Objects set up behind ech other. When i use LineTraceByChannel it only gives back the first objects it hits.
I want it this way.
When i press 1 it should go for the very first object.
When i press 2 it should ignore the first object and go for the second one.
When i press 3 it should go for the third object and ignore the 2 infornt.

Under Collision Presets i set the BuildingTrace to “ignore”, this completey ignores the specific object, i dont’t want that.
Unfortunately i didn’t find any TUT’s regarding this Problem so far.

Info: I am Using Blueprints.
Thanks in advance!

Regarding this question… is the way i described the problem not understandable? Or is it a not easy to answer question?
If you have any hints or need any additional information please tell me.
Thanks in advance.

I still need assistance in this case.

Hi there, in your situation you’re going to want to use a ‘MultiLineTracebyChannel’ instead of a single line trace. This returns all hits encountered along the collision line. Then you can choose which ones to ignore by each separate case.

Thanks for your reply Mookiez, I was playing with the MultiLineTraceByChannel, apperently I only get One Object back even if it should go through severel obejcts.
Do you have any Tutorial or Example i can take a look at?
Thanks in advance.

This should tell you exactly what each of the line traces do

Thanks a lot! appreciate it.