Hi. I’d like to accomplish the following (people familiar with Maya might recognize what I’m talking about more easily):
- A primary simulation layer: say, Set A of objects bouncing around, blocking and colliding with each other (as normal)
- And a secondary simulation layer: say, Set B of objects (responding to each other as normal) that collide with the objects in Set A - but without imparting any force back onto the objects in Set A. That is, the simulation of Set A should appear as “kinematic” to the objects in Set B.
A related question is if it’s possible to scale the response (force imparted) between kinematic and simulated objects. While I want to make sure animated and simulated objects aren’t interpenetrating, sometimes the resulting force makes the simulated objects fly wildly away.
(What I’m trying to do is a sort of running game, where a sometimes-ragdolled character runs around on a ground that is simulated and moving around. While the character needs to collide with the ground, I don’t want the ground to respond to the character. I can almost accomplish what I want by setting their mass to wildly different proportions - making the character light as a feather - but sometimes the character isn’t ragdolled but still set to block physics, since other things are also bouncing around. In those cases, the character is kinematic and absolutely tearing apart the still-simulating ground. I can carefully tweak the character’s collision responses, I suppose, but layered physics would accomplish what I want more easily. If it’s a thing.)