Hi everyone!
I have a Pawn, called Pawn in this case, and I am attaching devices that I am calling gadgets to the Pawn. You can move around with the Pawn and do certain gadget actions. The Gadget Actors are more complex than a normal component would allow so I am using the AttachToActor function below to attach them to the Pawn with a weld.
GadgetActor->AttachToActor (Pawn, FAttachmentTransformRules(EAttachmentRule::KeepRelative, true));
The above code works fine and I am able to activate my gadgets as expected, move around with the Pawn and everything works great. The really weird behavior comes from the few gadgets that I have that can grab other world objects, in the case I talk about below I am only trying to grab basic shapes that have physics enabled at start.
Grabbing an object and releasing it works … for a single time. After I call Detach From Actor in the second screenshot below, OnComponentHit will never be called again when colliding with that specific actor.
For Example:
- Actor A collides with Sticky Gadget
- Actor A attached to the Sticky Gadget
- Actor A detached from the Sticky Gadget
- Actor A collides with Sticky Gadget again but OnComponentHit is not called
- Actor B collides with Sticky Gadget and calls OnComponentHit
Stick to Mesh:
Unstick to Mesh
My current theory is that when I Detach From Actor the weld is not being detached correctly. If I untick Weld Simulated Bodies in the Attach Actor To Component, attachments work more than one time. However, this causes other issues as I would like them to be welded together.
Things I have tried that have not changed behavior
- I have attempted to reset the root component to the correct static mesh on detachment
- Using AttachActorToActor instead
- Changed the order of operations on when I am Setting Simulate Physics to On/Off
- Attempted both using a socket for attachment and not using a socket
- Tried using the Event OnHit for the entire actor instead
Things I have tried that have changed behavior
- Messed around with the colliders in the meshes themselves. This is the part that is stumping me the most as I am not sure why different collider types would be reacting differently. When I change the StickyMesh to a sphere collider instead of a cube some OnComponentHits work all the time but sphere to sphere OnComponentHits only trigger once. When using a cube collider for the StickyMesh however, all collisions only work once.
Any and all feedback and help would be appreciated! I am hitting my head against the wall with this one!