hi guys…
okay so what i have is AI cars which uses chaos vehicle, now I’ve added a box collision to the rear of the car so that other AI cars don’t collide with it, in traffic.
So its a OnComponentBeginOverlap node, to a Cast to node, which is the AI vehicle and then a set brake input node, and brake will be set to 1. right so this all works well, but i see when the ai car is not in view the node OnComponentBeginPlay fires eventhough nothing is overlapping the collision box, but when in view / camera faces it, it works well and ai car starts driving as normal.
but ive also seen that if i set the brake input to 0 on the OnComponentBeginOverlap, then all works fine, even if viewport isnt looking at them directly they will move in the backround as usual, but now the logic of the AI car braking once in contact with box collision wont work…
is this a bug? or is my blueprint logic wrong??