hello, i’m working on Flying template, UE 4.8.3, and i’m having kinda weird issue with “OnComponentBeginOverlap”
the “OnComponentBeginOverlap” fires only once (just one time) when the player controlled flyingPawn (the jet) enteres the sphere collider,
this is how the hierarchy looks like
i had to make the blueprint class of type “Pawn” though i could change the “AI Controller Class” in future
besides, the “Collision presets” for “BRDM_Sphere_Collider” is “OverlapAllDynamic”,
and the “Generate Overlap Events” is checked .
so what’s the problem, and how to solve it ?!
update :
the intended behavior is as follows :
whenever the jet fighter which is of class type “Flaying Pawn”, enters the sphere collision area(which is a child component of Pawn class type) as shown here
the “OnComponentBeginOverlap” of the sphere collision component, should keep executing while the jet fighter is still inside the sphere collision area (inside the bounds), but what happens is that it executes just one time, exactly when the jet fighter enters the sphere area, and stops executing while the jet is moving inside the sphere bounds
besides, i’m using the same blueprint graph but on a parent class type of “StaticMeshActor” as the next picture shows, and it works perfectly and the “OnComponentBeginOverlap” keeps executing while jet fighter is inside the sphere collision bounds
so the problem is not the further code attached to “OnComponentBeginOverlap”, but the execution behavior of “OnComponentBeginOverlap” itself.
also i’m sure that the “Collision presets” are configured correctly & the “Generate Overlap Events” flag is checked .
so i guess it is all about the parent class type, and the hierarchy of its child components .
any help or suggestions please ?!
hope it’s not a bug.
thanks .