OnClicked, OnReleased not firing yet On Begin and End Overlap are firing

I have a primitive cube that I converted to a static mesh.

I got OnBeginOverlap and OnEndOverlap functionality(changing material) working for when the mouse hovers over and leaves a surface of the cube.

However, the OnClicked and OnReleased events of the same cube don’t fire at all.

They are all mouse events on the same static mesh.

What could be holding back the click events given the hover events work?


Make sure on your PlayerController Blueprint you have “Enable Click Events” under the defaults tab activated. This will allow you to you the mouse pointer to click objects within the frame.

Thanks Quartaroy, however it is already set. …puzzled still.

Finally I have the onclick event firing.

I started a completely new project, set up onclick, and onoverlap events and they worked just fine.

Played around a bit more then suddenly the onclick events stopped working, as with my original project. After some backtracking it appears this setting stops my onclick events working:

in the project settings → Engine → Input → Mouse Properties → Use Mouse for Touch

If this is ticked it no longer fires onclick events.

It would be nice to understand why this happens, but glad I now have click events working.


if you some how find a way to reproduce, ie. UseMouseForTouch checked without you set it so.
Please file a bug report on answerhub.

It might be something from default project template that have touch event enabled.

Hi PenguinTD,

(Not entirely sure I understand what you meant but…)

I’m not suggesting the UseMouseForTouch was setting itself. I’m saying at some point in my learning and creating this project (first project) and trying to work out how to get mouse events (for about 4 weeks!) I’ve most likely clicked it, completely unaware of what it does, probably thinking that by clicking that option it will make things work on touch devices later as well. So as it stands I still don’t understand why it stops mouse click from firing, and I’ve not seen anyone suggest this being clicked is a reason for onclick not working. If that is expected behaviour, all well and good, pleading ignorance at this stage. :wink: So I can’t file a bug unless I understand what the correct behaviour is.
