OnClicked event not working on Client

I’m running into a weird issue with OnClicked related to only a client instance. The server instance seems to work fine.

This is just a basic project. I have a blueprint with a static mesh as it’s root. I have an OnClicked event in it and when it is fired it will destroy the object.

I have a single Player Start and an empty player controller to enable mouse clicks.

This works perfectly fine as a standalone, but when I set clients to 2 clicking is only working on the Server, not on the client.

I haven’t adjusted any replication settings because I didn’t think any of that was needed. I’m hoping someone can help me our here, as I’m at a loss. I am new to the engine so I’m just playing around with some things.

Not sure if this helps, but my mouse is anchored in the client Window when the game starts. If I hit F1 to un-anchor it I can click on the static mesh in the server window.

Had you found a workaround for this?

I think the problem is that OnClicked would need to be a event with Run On Server but there seems to be no way to change it to that.

Hello JobsIsMyHomeboy,

I tried to reproduce this in the 4.8 version of the engine and was unable to do so. I have a few questions that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, can you provide a detailed set of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Could you provide screen shots of any blueprints that may be involved with this issue?


I’ve found that using lineTracedByChannel is probably what you want to use. This allows you to set up the selection from a logic point, your character.

Here is a nice small tutorial that should get you on your way:
link text

Hello JobsIsMyHomeboy,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you.

Yea, I did it now that way. But using the already build in OnClicked etc. would have been more convenient.


Could you go through and answer the questions that I asked JobsIsMyHomeboy? This will allow me to narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing. Could you also tell me what engine version it is that you are using?