Once the trigger is activated, I want to retrieve the item from the item granter.

I want to make a player retrieve the item from the item granter once the trigger is activated.
But the trigger event needs a ?agent and the item granter needs an agent, and I can’t pass arguments to the function properly.
How can I do this?
The code is as follows.
Thank you in advance for your help.

using { /Fortnite.com/Devices }
using { /Verse.org/Simulation }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/Diagnostics }

sample_granter_device := class(creative_device):


PlayerSpawners:[]player_spawner_device = array{}

Trigger:trigger_device = trigger_device{}

    Players := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
    for (Player : Players):

ItemGrant(Player:agent):void = 

You need to change the argument type for Player from agent to ?agent.

ItemGrant(Player:?agent):void = 

You will then need to check the ?agent is valid, with something like:

ItemGrant(Player:?agent):void = 
   if(Checked_Player := Agent?):

More info on Optional:

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Thank you very much!
I read the page about Optional!
I’m very happy to learn about weak_map too!
I had a great time! Thanks for answering my question!

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